
Started in 2016, LO for LOve was founded by community members concerned about student reports of racism at Lake Oswego High School and the national climate emboldening acts of hate against many groups of people. With the aim of uniting people to spread compassion and love and taking their support for an inclusive community to the streets, the group planned a family-friendly walk in downtown Lake Oswego. Over 300 people joined in solidarity in a peaceful and positive show of love and empathy. The groundswell of community support led to the group’s continued advocacy for diversity, inclusion and equity in Lake Oswego.

Our Vision:

We work to make Lake Oswego a place where all people feel integral to our community and have equitable access to opportunity and resources. Diversity of race, ethnicity, national origin, culture, religion, economic status, disability status, veteran status, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity are treated with respect, celebrated and woven into the fabric of the city’s events and institutions, including government, businesses, civic groups and schools, to our collective enrichment.

Our Values:

  • Unity. Our activities are aimed at unifying the community.

  • Collaboration. We work in a positive and constructive way with community partners toward shared goals, initiating and complementing existing efforts.

  • Inclusion. We welcome involvement and engagement from all members of the Lake Oswego community. 

  • Growth. We are all growing and learning as we go. We bring a willingness to take action, even if imperfect, and to freely acknowledge our blind spots, viewing them as opportunities for awareness-raising.

What we do:

Support the school district in the implementation of its current strategic plan, which seeks to create a culture of belonging, achieve equitable academic outcomes, promote health and resiliency and teach and practice sustainability.

Work with the City of Lake Oswego, including the DEI Advisory Board and Equity Manager, to promote diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the city. 

Initiate and promote community activities and events that raise awareness, amplify underrepresented voices, celebrate all cultures and unify the city.  

Promote our vision through consistent, community-based partnerships and organize advocacy campaigns that align with our mission.